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comment by neversparks
neversparks  ·  4149 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Experiment: What's YOUR most controversial opinion, Hubski?

I guess I'm pretty fortunate because most of the Christians I know are prettying accepting of the LGBT community.

It's interesting though how those Christians that are opposed to homosexuality quote Leviticus and justify their beliefs with it. Leviticus also bans the consumption of shellfish, yet I don't see any movement vehemently opposed to that.

I think we'll see a shift within most churches soon. Many leaders of the church recognize that anti-LGBT beliefs tend to drive away more members than it keeps, especially among younger generations. I think we were raised to be more tolerant of sexuality than the generations that preceded us, and as we "take over", how everybody views and treats the LGBT community will change.