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user-inactivated · 1334 days ago · link · · parent · post: 434th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately"
I've been reading a lot recently about the history of left-wing organizations in Sweden, particularly the messy offshoots of other cooky offshoots that occurred around 1968 and after. I might do a separate post about bokstavsvänstern ("the alphabet left") at some point to justify this complete waste of time. During this reading I came across this cover of the song "Det är något konstigt med friheten" ("There's something strange about freedom") by Klepsydra, orginally by Knutna nävar, a band with close ties to the offshoot from KFML/SKP that since 1968 has been known as KFML(r), KPML(r) and these days simply K.