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comment by g5w
g5w  ·  1430 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 17, 2021

My son-in-law's training keeps getting postponed because of quarantine. Idiots leaving base causing lock-down delays. They were supposed to be done in February, but now they won't be done until sometime in April. My daughter is due in mid-April and is freaking out that now they won't be moved into their new place out west and she will still be here with us instead and her husband most likely will miss the delivery. I feel bad for her, but she did marry into military. I'm sure traveling west will be a lot of fun with a three year old and new born. I'm thinking that I might take off two weeks to drive them out and be an extra set of hands to help. We'll see what happens over the next couple of months.

Last night my wife and daughter were talking about all of this and my grandson snuck downstairs while they were occupied. He came over and sat on the couch with me while I was watching a documentary from PBS about Fiddler on the Roof. He just sat there and watched with me. It was so nice. He watched about forty minutes before his eyes drooped and his head slumped. All was right with the world from my view.

Good health to you all. Life is good.