A dream a dream it fills it shakes
The very vessel drains awake
The flash of insight gone to pot
What’s left but re-imagine thought.
Reconstruct the brain that day
Arrange the molecules and pray
Collisions will resolve and show
The truth the wisdom all we know.
To search is to take a trip
Grasp for meaning dispel cantrips
For magic is a game to play
By witches wizards those depraved.
The meaning spells and curses show
Illusory, the telling blow
An action moved by verbs you know
Can not reveal unknowns.
To verify the meaning hid
By tradition and religion
One must ask, not sit not pray
Nay, go out explore the day.
It exists, the gift established
By poets, priests, those that languish
In limbic currents hard to manage
The truth can it save any age?
It’s thoughts must they come from a sage?
May insights be felt by a knave?
So truth may be, some flavor, some dope
Pandora, my savior, my slaver, my hope
A forum can inform
The fringe can infringe
On subjects so important no dissent can break in
The result is catastrophic
No discussion stays on topic
The result’s not philanthropic but human beings can pretend.
What comes of a system
Which broaches dictum sanctum
The result is telling of the status quo we’re living in
The words to speak to power
Change upon the hour
All’s that’s left’s the souls with feeling only they can see within