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comment by speeding_snail
speeding_snail  ·  4280 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does anyone have an unlocked smartphone?

What? Americans pay for receiving calls? Just to get one thing clear. Is it only when roaming, so if you receive a call out of state, or always? Paying when you receive a call when you are roaming is pretty normal (at least in the Netherlands).

As for the question, I am in pretty much the same boat as brian. Pre-paid with a not-so-smart phone.

briandmyers  ·  4280 days ago  ·  link  ·  

On a mobile, everything costs - sending/receiving a call or text, all the time (as I understand it). Sometimes you don't really care, e.g. if your on a plan, and you have X number of 'free' minutes or texts. Here in NZ we pay to receive when roaming too - roaming means "anytime overseas", for us.