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comment by alpha0
alpha0  ·  2640 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser

Deceiving the public is very much modern governance doctrine. That should not be news but of course a component of implementing this doctrine is pervasive propagandizing of the public by established media, entertainment industry, alternative media (99.9% fake alt imo), and various "ex-" whatevers.

Flynn will not be missed. He demonstrated that he is too stupid, too careless, to merit his position.

But that is not the story here.

The story here is that the unaccountable spook community is a modern day Praetorian Guard and that our republic is effectively dead. What remains to be seen is whether we transition to an actual empirial regime, or, whether the "deep state" is in fact working for/with transnational entities that wish to proceed with the program of cutting down the sole superpower down to size.

Were we an educated nation not susceptible to trivial manipulation that set us against one another the corrective recourse, however painful, would be possible. But we are not (by design) an educated nation, and we are (by design) programmed from craddle to grave to manifest the required 'response' to the provided 'stimilus' and are deeply divided (again by design).