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comment by _thoracic

If you aren't one of the people that Trump-ism threatens, then no, there's probably no tangible benefit to following his moves in detail.

But you should still do it.

I'm also tempted to greet the next four years with cynicism, and to reject the political game as worthless. That really doesn't cut it though. The Trump presidency presents an affront to so many ideals I hold dear that to ignore it out of fatigue would be to pretend I didn't hold those values in the first place. Given your reaction above, I'm assuming that Trump somewhat irritates you as well. Good. Don't let go of that. Don't ignore that.

Beyond doing it for yourself, there's also a duty to it. There's a duty we owe to the country; that we care for the institutions we've benefitted from all our lives, and that we pay attention so as to keep them honest and doing their jobs. Ignoring the news shirks that. Theres's a duty to other citizens, especially those who may be targeted or abused under a Trump administration. By choosing disgust over determination, we give up our power in the system and abandon them to whatever fate Steve Bannon thinks befits them. Lastly, there's a duty to keep others awake. To remind people that this isn't normal, and to keep making noise, even if it's screaming into a void. Because if you silence yourself, then you've done Trump and his kind's work for them.

So, at a bare minimum, please keep following the news blackbootz. Because it's not about any one of us anymore. Not to be too melodramatic, but the future of the country(possibly the world) could change drastically in the next four years. That's too important to tune out.