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comment by rob05c
rob05c  ·  2733 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Queen Offers to Restore British Rule Over United States - The New Yorker

The US is culturally divided by population density, urban vs rural. People talk about "The South", but even Dallas votes Blue now. While 40% of California votes Red—the rural 40%.

The US Senate protects the States, while the House protects the simple majority. But there's little danger of Montana being oppressed, since they line up with the Big Red States; while 40% of Texans have no vote.

It seems to me a more legitimate system would be a bicameral setup like the House and Senate, except replace the Senate with a chamber which provides a vote irrespective of population density. Something that protects the vote of both Rural Californians and Urban Texans.