Ah, yeah. So basically The birther movement began out of the alt-right and white nationalist movement here in the US. it was this massive years long smear campaign directed at the first black president that wasn't directed at other presidents. He was born in the US, there was never even a HINT of a suggestion that he wasn't, his state birth certificate was publicly available in short form, and he even released the long for version because of the conspiracy. All this is stuff that no white candidate was forced to do, not even ones like Ted Cruz, whom it is well known was actually born in Canada. It has as much to do with the people pushing the conspiracy as it does the asymmetrical standard applied to him. And again, even when he produced his long form birth certificate DJT continued to publicly push the notion that he wasn't American for years and years after.
I live where the Birther people are loud and proud. Almost every one of them is an Evangelical, ALL of them are far right wing and most of them are what I would call extremely racist. There are even some black preachers here in the Ohio Valley who call him a Muslim from Africa because of Obamacare murdering nego babies in Planned Parenthood Abort-o-Plexes. Link to the crazy