bought my plane tickets and hit all the points i wanted to hit: less than 24 hours worth of travel, no super long layovers (longest is just under 4 hours), get there midday on my arrival date, less than $1000. shout out to kiwi booking service. been making time to mess around on the fiddle. i've figured out most of the basic notes but i definitely need to schedule an actual lesson to break bad habits and figure out string crossing and stuff. i told my first line supervisor i'm leaving soon because we were out at a baseball game and people were talking about how our contract recompete gets revealed next week so they were like haha i hope we still have jobs... and i was like oh... yeah... well........ i was going to tell my superiors this friday but he went and told my contract leads and they're really excited obviously but i had wanted to tell them first. i guess that's to be expected when you blab big news preemptively lol. uhhh what else... really into wearing long black skirts rn? partially because it strikes a comfortable balance in the combination of the nasty weather outside and the subzero temps inside. it also makes me feel really witchy which is always positive.