- “Before we talk about populism, the anti-establishment, we have to talk about the social position of these people. What do they earn? How do they see their everyday lives?” said Tetiana Havlin, a sociologist at the University of Siegen in Germany.
“In everyday life nobody thinks about anti-globalization, anti-establishment. They just see their challenges,” she said.
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“You have a lot of people who took a big hit. These are people who feel economically vulnerable, and when you put demographic fears on top of economic vulnerability this is what you get,” said Halston.
I spent most of the day with Trump supporters. All you liberals calling the exit voters stupid, uninformed etc, well, you may be right but you better understand why these people voted the way they did and do it fast. Or get used to saying 'President trump." I'd rather not do that myself, thanks.
So, I've been thinking about this comment a lot tonight, since I first read it. I've been trying to think about how to best respond to it, give my input. I know a few Trump supporters actually. Former co-workers, good friends. I was gonna write a profile on two of them, compare and contrast them with myself, but that's not fair to them as they can't read this and defend themselves. Don't get me wrong, they're not bad people, in fact quite the opposite, but how I view them isn't necessarily who they really are. I will say this though, about myself and my friends who are Trump supporters. None of us are well educated, none of us make good money, all of us want more from this life and feel that a lot of those opportunities have been taken from us, sometimes by our own mistakes and sometimes by the mistakes of others. If I could pinpoint the one difference though, between them and I, I think it would be the people we allow to influence us. Many of their friends and family are various degrees of super religious, super conservative, sometimes bigoted. Let me be clear in that I don't think that their friends and family are bad people. Just that they don't see the world the way I do and it hurts me to think that. They also get their information from people like Rush Limbaugh, sources like Fox News, and of course, the people in the friends and family that see the world in a way that I wish they didn't. I on the other hand, have a mother who at a young age would take me to Mexican Restaurants, Japanese Grocery Stores, American Indian Folk Dances, and anything else she could think of to show me how beautiful the people of the world are and how much they deserve I love. That planted a very strong seed in me, to love not just my neighbor next door, but to be concerned about the well being of every person on earth and to live my life with giving that concern purpose. More importantly though, is that I surround myself with good people in life, and Hubski is a great source for that. I have said it before, many times, and I will say it again. I am so fortunate to be able to interact with each and every one of you on a regular basis. You guys challenge me to think critically, to embrace the world, to be bigger, better, and more generous every day. Every last one of us has that ability to inspire others in our lives and we need to strive to do just that. We don't all have to agree with our friends on everything, especially politics. I think it's important though, to encourage each other day in and day out to live our lives with the intent to not just be good people, but to be good to each other. Keeping that attitude in mind is what will allow us to make better decisions, both in our personal lives as well as our public lives, that benefit not just us but as many people as possible. This is preachy and lame. I'm drunk and don't know where I'm going with this anymore. I hope you at least get what I'm trying to say. Don't be mad at your neighbors for being wrong, afraid, angry, or whatever. Love them. Help them. You need them just as much as they need you and if you're good to them they'll be good to you.
It might be a bit early to say "the dust has settled", but good analysis nevertheless. For as far as I can remember, the European Union has been governed by dogmatic technocrats with no concern whatsoever for ordinary people. I'm not saying they didn't do a lot of good things, which they did. But at some point you need to look beyond growth numbers and check that ordinary people are actually benefiting from your policies.