The only new addition is the last one: "Incitement to harass other users or creators" The rest has been the same for about a year. Not sure why this is blowing up all of a sudden.
Thank for that info. I'm pretty new to youtube, so I wasn't aware of their old policies. From what I've seen from this video and others like it recently, there have been a couple big youtubers who have complained about drama. 2 months ago, Pewdiepie video, the biggest youtuber and Markiplier video, a big gamer channel, have both made videos specifically about the changes in youtube due to drama. They both don't name any channels, so it leaves people to wonder and speculate. This next part is just my speculation and me trying to read between the lines, keeping in mind that I'm new to watching youtube. There's a channel called DramaAlert that had become very popular at that time. The owner, Keemster was calling out people and digging up dirt about people, whether real or manufactured. Pewdiepie was in a lot of the titles on that channel, even if there wasn't dirt on him or sometimes even any mention of him. It was just clickbait. DramaAlert's content was causing a lot of people to either fight with each other or to create videos defending against the allegations. Within the last few weeks, GradeAUnderA made a video calling out Keemstar with some dirt on him, leading to a large drop in DramaAlert's subscriber base. There's a livestream of his subscriber base dropping. (I know way more about this than I want to know. I watch some of the bigger youtubers so it's hard to miss.) Philip DeFranco was speculating on whether any of these channels (and a few others) will be affected, considering the timing of the new changes.