Well that was a fun song. Thanks for sharing and helping me expand my music library further! I missed this band somehow...What genre would you call this? Google told me that it is Electronic, plunderphonics, hip hop.
All the randomness in it reminded me of a band called Tunng....which then reminded me of this song:
I guess experimental electronic or "plunderphonics", as you mentioned.
TUUNG reminds of Miike Snow more than the Avalanchesm, tbh.
Well, I do get a little bit 'Genghis Kong', especially when I hear 'Silvia'. Sorry, had to. Siii eee iii eee iiii llll viii aaaaa. That song has a haunting feeling to it that just sucks me in every time. I can almost see a cold city dead in the night time, streets empty, a lone wanderer walking along following the power lines to his future...