The first bright star you see as the sun sets, roughly due south, is Jupiter. As the sky gets darker, to the south-east there will be a brilliant red star that does not 'twinkle.' That is Mars. Hold your right hand at arm's length and do the "Hang ten" thing where you stretch your pinky and thumb as far as they can get, put your pinky on Mars and your thumb on the horizon. Now, swing your thumb up, slowly, to the left (east). Your thumb will eventually come to a duller whitish 'star' that does not twinkle. That is Saturn.
I managed to get enough things done and delegate other stuff enough to do the 4 day weekend! But now I have to de-smoke the house - had the windows open and my neighbor tried to burn his shed down again. But I am still going to find that manual and get to work!
Open the windows and then clean the crap out of everything that's not bolted down.... and some that is. ETA: whatever he was burning was still smoking when I took the dog out at 6am. When the wind blows right, you catch a whiff if it still... and it is now 6pm. :/