I agree 100% with this guy. I deleted facebook nearly 4 years ago and don't miss it a bit. I also think it should be illegal for prespective employers or companies currently employing someone to ask for your facebook login or even your details. What you do in your personal life is your business and has no bearing on any aspect of job performance. I've had the classiest people be my worst employees and the biggest douche ever be my best. In addition to the article I feel it encourages everyone to hant out less. Everyone is too busy on their own pedestal to look or listen to anyone else's. All my friends are on it and it sucks that I have to work 10x times as hard to see their photos or have conversation with them because they are on it already. Intertestingly enough. The man who sells your privacy for profit on Facebook, just bought and demolished four houses because they might have had a view into his bedroom. Funny how his privacy is a must have but he pays for it by undermining yours.