To date, if there has been a roadmap for Hubski, it has been matching my own experience as a user with feedback from you all. But IMHO, it's important to keep in mind that online and offline socializing might be different for good reason. -I'm not sure if that's true, but they might be. Yes, Nina does seem to be talking about a problem that I have put some thought to. So, here is a question for 'you all' :) Should there be a limit to the number of people you can follow on Hubski, and if so, what should that limit be? -I have my own thoughts on this, but I'd be interested to hear what people think.
So number limit or not? A personal limit is good. I constantly reviewed the people I followed on Twitter, trying to get the number down to the most consistently interesting users. However, a number limit might create the same awareness of quality that it did in the liking/hubing situtation.
As far as a limit, I can't personally see myself following more than a few dozen people. Maybe that will change. At the same time, sometimes the most interesting uses of a platform are the ones that aren't planned on. I'm not sure what benefit following hundreds of people might have, but I am not ready to rule out the possibility that there might be some. Of course, on the technical side, there are consequences. For the time being, I'm just going to think on it. -Thanks!