These make me want to investigate. Thanks for mentioning! Sounds entirely plausible. Such talks have stopped in Russia as well. Peculiar. I wanted to joke about Russia wanting to be - or appear - stronk, but I'm not sure what could possibly cause such a stance. I agree with your opinion; it is embarrassing to see such way of events.If I'm not mistaken Russian institutions solved some of the more pressing problems in fiberoptics.
What other country would circumvent price of high-octane fuel for helicopters and small planes to re-make engines to run on naphtha!
Most of the media here and in Germany portrayed it as "We will not talk, because we don't want to talk. Mind your own business.".
People without such idea assume that Russia denied it at first and changing decision at any point in the future would make it look weak. Which is, pardon me, utter bullshit stance as far as any other country is concerned.