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comment by rjw
rjw  ·  2969 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 16, 2016

I started work. It's alright, the company I'm at uses Scrum and I got there just before the beginning of a new sprint, so we spent all of yesterday figuring out what we're going to be doing for the next two weeks. The day long meeting was actually not bad, since it was just a few of us.

I have a retake exam next Tuesday but after commuting 1.5h each way for a full time job, I can't find much time for revision. I might stay after work in a library then take the late train home, at least then I'll have more energy. At least this problem is temporary. I'm looking to move to London as soon as I can, so the commute should get smaller soon. On the other hand, I've discovered podcasts so it's not as if it's wasted time.