When I was a kid, my uncle was into radios. Like really into radios like "Hey it's saturday and we have a bunch of scrap metal lets build a radio and antenna" He gave me a used shortwave, radio that I listened to religiously (heh) it was amazing to hear all of these weird preachers, and radio shows that made no sense. People giving political speeches, news, just fun to listen to. Well if there is one thing you should know about shortwave radio, it's that the waves have the ability to travel further at night due to the lower interference of other electromagnetic radiation. One night I was playing with my radio, and I heard one of these number stations. I don't remember which one (I looked it up on conet before, but couldn't find it, or im not remembering it correctly) but I just listened to it for hours and hours, it was like listening to a meditation. But then suddenly (and it could be interference) I swear two people were talking in what sounded like russian. I would say it was interference but it sounded like they were talking in the same room as either the woman (or record). It was crazy and to this day makes me think that I overheard some accidental spy stuff.