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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3332 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 3 Questions With @War

Hello. Thenewgreen asked me to record this asking me three questions. I haven't looked at this so let's get this started.

So, the first question is: What is your earliest memory?

I think my earliest memory would have to be sometime with my grandmother. I spent a lot of time with my grandmother growing up. She was really the reason why I started writing because as a kid she used to love hearing the stories that I would tell. And they'd be crazy stories about aliens and far-off lands and completely nonsensical but my grandmother always pushed me to keep telling the stories. To keep sharing what I was thinking about. So I think that the storytelling with my grandmother would probably be the earliest memories that I have and cherish.

The second question is: What is the most confusing thing about Hubski?

I think the most confusing thing about Hubski is that while Hubski is this community of people we're also each individually our own person. Hubski isn't this collective ideal that we all just kind of feed into. It's not an echo chamber of people thinking the same thing. We all have different opinions, different feelings, and while sometimes we may agree there are other instances where we disagree vehemently. I think that the most confusing thing is separating this ideal behind Hubski being this community but at the same time filled with very individualistic people who all have their own experiences and their own knowledge and their own personal morality and ethics and stuff like that. I think that is the most confusing at first and then once you realize it, once you push past that and you start to get to know the people who make up Hubski it becomes this whole other beast. It becomes this whole other experience.

The third question: What is your message?

I think this is a tough one. What is my message....is... I think it would have to be: Make sure that you're happy with what you're doing. A lot of the times, I think of when I was young, and my dad always used to tell me "You are the only person that you're going to have to live with for the rest of your life" so really the decisions that you make - while you have to be caring and understanding of other people - you've got to make sure that you're happy. That you're okay with how you're changing or how the situation around you is evolving. You can grow from this and it's not going to take away from who you are. I think it's important to do things for yourself; to love yourself, to be one with yourself. Because you will be spending the rest of your life with yourself. If you're not happy with who you are, with the things you love, with the people you love, with the job you do, the place you're in, the situation you're in, your state of mind, you spiritual state, what's the point right?

This is awesome. I hope you all find my answers sufficient or interesting. Thanks.