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comment by CraigEllsworth
CraigEllsworth  ·  3187 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what do you do when you're stuck?

- Just write anything down, even if it doesn't appear the way you want it to. Revise and edit later.

- Take a break. If you put it down, and come back later, you may find you're refreshed and ready to work on it again. If you come back and you just go "ugh" every time you try, perhaps it was not meant to be.

- Consider a different form to get your ideas out. Maybe you've been writing a piece of prose fiction but the idea might work better as a play. Maybe you're writing a poem, but it works better as a song. Perhaps something completely different that you would never have thought of; maybe your epic novel should really be a board game!

- Doodle with words. Practice on nonsense or pieces that are just for fun. Get good at writing with practice pieces that you have no intention of showing anybody. Starry Night wasn't Van Gogh's first painting.

- Write piecemeal. Don't just write from beginning to end, but write the part that you feel you want to write about right now. Jump around.