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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Spying on Congress and Israel: NSA Cheerleaders Discover Value of Privacy Only When Their Own Is Violated

I find the members of Congress' reactions to this stuff even more ridiculous.

    NSA and Obama officials need to be investigated and prosecuted if any truth to WSJ reports. NSA loses all credibility. Scary.

No, they have the legal justification to do everything they are doing times three or seven. There is no crime being committed by the NSA. The Justice Department will look at this, see no criminal wrongdoing, then do nothing.

When members of Congress do not realize that the issue is THEM. That Congress has repeatedly failed to curtail or even attempt to curtail anything whatsoever by changing the laws that the NSA uses to justify this stuff, that's when you realize that they aren't just idiots who have no idea what they are doing, they are idiots who don't even know what their own job description is (setting the laws that govern this country) and instead think that their job is public appearance, public outrage, conducting polls, and rallying votes for elections.

Nearly every single issue with this country can be traced back to Congress doing jack shit about anything other than arguing about the same topics over and over again that have been pretty solidly decided. Roe v Wade (get over it, really, I have no opinion on abortion but that decision was made by the Supreme Court in the 70s), rallying for constitutional amendments on definitions of marraige (seriously just stop wasting our time), defending the second amendment (an amendment that has existed since the bill of rights, it's not going anywhere so stop defending rights that already exist and you already publicly show off that you have), etc.

Want to change tax code? Don't smear the IRS or decide to run for president on a platform to change tax law, because the IRS and the presidency have nothing to do with setting tax law, YOU DO YOU STUPID CONGRESSMEN.

I mean every issue they debate is either not in their purview or something that will never change.

I get really mad at presidents that lobby Congress or write bills since they are the head of the executive branch and not the legislative, but you know what? I'm starting to not get as angry about that anymore. If Congress won't do their job, sometimes a president has to kick them in their asses to get them to do something.

It's just so fucking sad to think about.