It's definitely a little sanctimonious. I actually don't even like the article, just the one little phrase at the top, 'secondary abstinence'. To quote Dennis Reynolds, "I hate listening to people's dreams. It's like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them, and nobody's having sex, I just... don't care." I extend that to people's pissy little problems that they don't care enough about to fix. I don't know her, I don't identify with her in any way, so it doesn't resonate with me. rjw is a man who would disagree and that's awesome because it proves she wrote something which could affect someone, which to me is the goal of writing. But I just don't care that an intelligent, attractive woman with a good job can't get laid. Why would I?
yeah I don't think it is really worthy of much sympathy or a big deal at all! but that does not preclude someone (me) identifying with it or it resonating. it's just... a small amount of resonance lol. my problems are all pretty pissy as well. it's like if someone made a pop song about how their parents wouldn't buy them the latest Xbox. somebody, somewhere is probably going to respond to that, regardless of the problem's actual magnitude so yeah! there's no reason to care, but there might be a reason to point at it and go "hey, me too"