My personal opinion? I'd keep all of that info under your hat. How much you pull in, server costs, all of it. There is always a noticeable change in the atmosphere when the specter of money is present. It's absolutely amazing that a ton of users want to help out, carry their own weight and then some financially. If you make numbers public, then an act of community and altruism suddenly starts to feel like a burden. In all honesty, the more that I think about it, the more I think the donation link should be at the bottom of the page, among the tutorial, tmi, and other links. It's less prominent, less conspicuous, and a whole lot more humble. I'm sure others will disagree with me, but those are just my thoughts on the matter.
I felt the same way about the link placement, and did just that. We may make how much we get in donations public, however, by year and by month in aggregate. You'll have to go to the donate page to see it though. I doubt we will post our costs, but I think there is something healthy about being honest about what we are getting. If you are considering donating, it might be worth knowing.
If you are considering donating, it might be worth knowing. Very fair points and a good balance between being open and honest while at the same time being discreet.We may make how much we get in donations public, however, by year and by month in aggregate. You'll have to go to the donate page to see it though. I doubt we will post our costs, but I think there is something healthy about being honest about what we are getting.