Asked another girl out yesterday. "Nah. I don't like to walk in the city." I feel like a creep, asking girls out seemingly on the spot. It makes sense to me to do that, though: I like a girl and would like to get to know her better in a more-or-less private setting (which walking in the city appears to me as, what with strangers all around, with none giving a rip about us two), so I ask her out. Fair, right? I have no experience on the matter - all the girls I've successfully asked out were already no strangers to me in whatever setting - so I have no idea what's at fault here, and neither do I know whether to trust what they say completely (does, for example, "I don't like to walk in the city" really mean it, given that the girl's from a conglomerate city?). Knowing I'm doing stuff that's fine will at least make me certain that I'm not messing my own stuff up. I feel lost - which, I suppose, is normal given that I'm just starting - head-first, too. I don't know whether I should persist, asking any girl I like out, or set my preferences up differently.
All I can go off is your word, but tone means a lot I think. "Nah. I don't like to walk in the city." Sounds final, if someone I liked wanted to go do something I don't, i'd propose an alternative(To be honest, I would probably do something whether it sounds fun or not haha) "Uh, how about x? I hear they y very good z" etc. Personally I'd find that more difficult. How do you go about wording that? I find it helpful just to imagine other people are you in social situations that I've not much experience with(I have a lot of experience not having experience). If you were in the current emotional situation she is(busy?, tired?, happy? etc.) and someone came up to you and said something like "Hey, would you like to go for a walk some time?" what conditions would you need to say yes? How attractive would she need to be? How well would it need to be worded? all the girls I've successfully asked out were already no strangers to me in whatever setting
I have no idea what's at fault here
So I figured. It didn't sound like she was going for "Sod off, creep", but given that she proposed no alternative, I'm left to presume that she simply doesn't want to go out with me. Nothing different: "Would you like to take a walk with me?". They usually reply with "Okay!" or "Well, why not?". Just how well might I? I don't believe going for anything more than the phrase I stated before would be necessary - other than, perhaps, finding out whether the girl is busy at the moment or for whenever I'd like to ask her for. From what I see, I've stated my request in a voice that implies interest; hopefully, my voice, though somewhat emotionless, does not imply something I don't want it to - for example, that I'm wanting something beyond the walk immediately or have no interest in the girl herself. Am I wrong to assume all that?"Nah. I don't like to walk in the city." Sounds final
How do you go about wording that?
How well would it need to be worded?