I'm spending a bit of my free time making a Python wrapper around the Hubski REST API in Python. Ideally it will be used for a Hubski CLI client or text analysis, but for now I'm just playing around. It's mostly boilerplate at the moment, but I'll be updating it as the official API changes.
So far I've found one bug: posts list kids for deleted comments:
Kid #267283 nowhere to be found
Contributions from others are welcome!
The main TODO is waiting on the official hubski API to have more features added so I can replicate them in my package. I'm not too familiar with Racket, but I've written scheme before, so hopefully I can start contributing patches to rob's repository.
As more features get added, maybe I'll try to make a CLI and/or GUI client? I'd rather keep this repo a minimal wrapper though, so any python clients built on top would be their own projects.