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comment by tnec
tnec  ·  3346 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are some great classes to take in university?

100 Level history classes are interesting and super easy

As an engineer, I really liked the probability class I had to take. That was in part because the professor was awesome though, so your milage may vary.

How's your computer programming? I know a lot of MechE's try to get by without really learning it, but it's only an advantage. Also, once you get into industry, you might pivot into a role that needs programming, and having some further background will be beneficial. I have a MechE friend that happened to.

I also took a Science Fiction Literature class I enjoyed a lot. A lot of it turned out to be Western History as framed by the science fiction authors of the era, which was very interesting.