I know right? I'm intensely curious in it and have been reading a few articles but I do not see how to get from (+ 1 1) to a site like Hubski. I'm coming from a Java/PHP/Ruby background so it's really difficult for me to visualise what the code actually looks like, and unfortunately seems I'm late to this party. So here, an article about The Strange Appeal of Live-Coding.
For the hubski internal API, I mostly used the docs and this. If you prefer to learn by example (like me), I'd actually recommend the hubski internal API I've been working on. It's a pretty good small example of how to do URL dispatch, JSON, and basic serving. I think I took out the x-expression stuff though. Definitely look into x-expressions. They're flipping awesome.
Mm, I saw about that and have seen some about it (actually I was reading about Pollen and started delving in from there). My problem now is time, I would love to learn some functional programming and see if I will be able to teach it in class, but I think I'll likely be shoe-horned into just using Python or C# or some-such so it's a cost/benefit problem where at the moment the cost seems too high.
Yeah definitely, it's on my list but my issue is I keep finding new and exciting things to add like Haskell or the many many JS frameworks etc. It's tough to figure out which ones would actually be of use to me, and certainly I don't think any will be of use for the classroom as I think we'll be pressed for time (and this is teenagers who aren't exactly going to be excited for programming in the first place :) )