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comment by tnec
tnec  ·  3177 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are you working on today?

What's your presentation title? I'm working on my first publication today. Got any tips?

caeli  ·  3177 days ago  ·  link  ·  

For anonymity's sake I won't say the exact title, but it's about phrase processing. I'm at the stage of actually designing the poster so it's less about writing and more about arranging information in a way that makes sense visually. I'm terrible with design so it's a nightmare :(

In general though, my advice for writing is to assume nothing of your audience. You've been thinking about these ideas for months or years and you have your own way of talking about it that other people likely won't understand. Make sure labmates and friends are able to understand the logic and follow what's happening!