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comment by Formerly_Me
Formerly_Me  ·  3163 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: August 17th: What are you reading this week?

So, I'm kinda going through a Russian Lit phase right now that was spurned on by both my Junior and Senior year English teachers. I'm reading Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and it's fabulous. Tolstoy is just so good at fleshing out his characters. I've, so far, found myself deeply enthralled in the nuances surrounding the strained relationships between Stiva, his wife, his lover, and his servants. I'm not too far into the book yet, but it has been very hard to put down (which is a problem because I've been needing to pack for college). So far, this book reads very easily, and, even with all of the different names for characters, it is easy to follow without beating you over the head with the plot. It's slow, but it doesn't drag and it's never boring.

My reading goals are as follows:

The Brothers Karamazov War and Peace Crime and Punishment (re-read because I didn't appreciate it for what it was the first time) In Search of Lost Time Vanity Fair

Herunar  ·  3162 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh, you are in for a treat! The Brothers Karamazov is an amazing, amazing book.

Formerly_Me  ·  3162 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've heard! I'm really looking forward to it! Also, and this is unrelated, how do you make the words italics?

Herunar  ·  3162 days ago  ·  link  ·  

You put an * on each side of the word/content you want italicized, I believe. The little 'markup tips' that shows up in the right-hand corner when you comment is how I found that out.

Formerly_Me  ·  3162 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh! I never knew what that was; thank you.