- Like a certain other news site
What, Reddit? It's not Voldemort, my friend. Nothing bad happens when you call it by name.
- If this site got bogged down too much in any one particular area, I might stop using it.
Do you feel like Hubski is, or starting to, or on its way to?
- I'm way more interested in on-the-ground things people are doing in their local communities
Like what?
- Maybe a tag is the way forward for this, say, #newsanalysis.
Perhaps, it's your opportunity to make it happen. People turned out to be interested in Russia after I started #russiabynatives.
What's Critical Theory? I've never heard of it.
- Do you feel like Hubski is, or starting to, or on its way to?
Well, this is only my third day here, so I'm really not sure. I've noticed a lot of users with a background in Comp Sci, but I suppose that comes with the territory. But even then it's a barely noticable whn it comes to content.
- Like what?
There's been a lot of push-back in recent years against local ordinances and homeowners' associations that forbid gardens or keeping chickens. There's efforts at community-based conflict resolution. Sometimes this is to deal with teenagers doing stupid teenager things, which has kept them from getting caught up in the prison system. The hollowing-out of the American economy has left its mark on many small towns, but some are bucking the trend and revitalizing.
- What's Critical Theory? I've never heard of it.
Writers like Foucault, Derrida, Adorno, Deleuze and Guattari. It's what's popular among a lot of folks in academia. I know there's some really insightful stuff there, but it's only coming out of the ivory tower at a slow trickle.