Yes you are. Amazingly so. If you have a wii or wii-U, to go a different direction than what eightbitsamurai suggested, I highly recommend the Kirby Anniversary Collection game. It has some of his bigger titles over the year and it's well worth the money.
Bruh. You are. Get on that shit. Start with Nightmare in Dreamland, then hit up The Amazing Mirror, Squeak Squad, and Super Star Ultra, then Triple Deluxe last. Then if you want more experimental stuff, try Canvas Curse, Epic Yarn, and Rainbow Curse. And then if you want the retro stuff, find a copy of this. It's awesome, there's zero difficulty for just completely the main campaign, they're all mostly pretty short, and like half of them are multiplayer co-op - it's my sis and I's go-to game after the Tales series.