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comment by caeli
caeli  ·  3191 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My novel wasn’t the problem, it was me

Whoa whoa, cut the snark there at the end. Are you being serious right now? jleopold can't control that there are problems for women in publishing. He can't. His first comment really just seems like he's expressing frustration for not being taken seriously by peers and teachers. This isn't a pissing contest about who can make less money and be less successful.

I'm a woman in STEM and I know that I will probably be paid and appreciated less than my male peers when I'm on the job market. That doesn't mean I go up to male grad students and be like "HAVE FUN MAKING MORE MONEY THAN ME ASSHOLE".

tla  ·  3191 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hey now, lets not bring out the tone police.

If jleopold is seriously worried, those are reasons he shouldn't be. I could pretend he won't get those benefits and let him continue being worried so I don't go sounding mean to your ears but that's not going to help him. Though, I reserve the right to snark at unhealthy representations of relationships in all media forms because they literally cause people in real life to be seriously hurt and sometimes killed. I'll even pick on Ms Piggy when the topic arises.

Last I heard though, men don't worry that they are underrepresented in STEM. If they did, then your approach would probably be worthwhile since they would actually be assholes.

caeli  ·  3191 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sorry I overreacted a bit there (well, probably more than a bit). It just seemed to me that his first post was more about feeling, as an individual, that people don't take him seriously for wanting to be a writer and just expressing his frustration with that.