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user-inactivated · 3483 days ago · link · · parent · post: Looking for an interactive timeline of human history, charting various trends
The first link, timemaps, definitely on the path of what I was thinking. Nowhere near as complex and detailed as I'd like, but in the ballpark. Thanks. The second link... I silently chuckled at "an interface that isn't straight out of geocities". Then I visited the site. And busted up laughing. For several moments I continued to stare at that framed webpage, looking for animated icons and an "under construction" loading gif. Design flaws aside, it's a tentative step in the right direction. If the first link were a kick-ass high schooler, the second link carries its snacks for recess in a muppets lunch box. You give good quality. I adore you. Like a lunatic kitten loves catnip. Or I may be drunk.