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comment by disbell

This quote from your link is really something:

    Houser also espoused other radical views, including his opposition to women in the workplace. Floyd described Houser as an "angry man" who made "wild accusations" about all sorts of topics, and said he put him on to counter a Democratic voice because "he could make the phones ring."

This is a prime example of false equivalency in popular media. Driven by the desire for ratings, and basically, stirring up viewers, voices are being given to flat-out wackjobs who, in extreme cases like this, literally (literally literally) need psychological help, and it can be thinly justified by a need to have "balance" (or in this case, "counter" the ideology of another guest/panelist/host/channel/etc.).

tla  ·  3463 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In today's media, "balance" being code for "trolling for pageviews".