Also, what about people abusing the system? How long do they have to stay with the employer before moving out of state to receive the rebate? In all honesty I might view the rebate as a way to find a nice job to add to my resume before looking for a job out of state that I would settle with. >Every year, the state spends an enormous amount of money on educating students who will leave the state immediately after graduation. I don't like the wording of this. It feels like you are trying to make it sound like they are wasting the money. Having good public education attracts people to live in area. And for whatever reason, most people do not move, whether it be for family reasons or just preferences a large majority of the earth's population do not move that far from their hometown. In all honesty I like the idea of trying to attract people to stay in state. But I think it would be better if you spent the money encouraging businesses to set up shop in Michigan, not creating a larger workforce. The latter can lead to the former, but it will take time and it is not a guarantee.