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comment by CraigEllsworth

I began learning the trumpet in fourth grade. I enjoyed it, but I had a hard time remembering to go to practice. I enjoyed playing it, but when I had to start practicing with the whole school band instead of the other trumpet (and trombone) players, I stopped. I think I probably felt anxiety or something, though trying to remember the motivations of a 10 year old isn't easy.

Later in high school, I picked up the guitar and took some private lessons and an elective course. I think I was big into the idea of being a rock star at the time. I lost interest in that after high school, as well, so I sort of play nothing now, though I've got a used cheap trumpet and a once-twelvestring-now-four-string guitar in my closet. I take them out and goof around with them sometimes, but my fingers can barely make the snake charmer song anymore on the guitar (the first thing I learned), and my lips can't seem to do anything right on the trumpet (I want to blame the mouthpiece).

Some day perhaps if I get to live forever, and have all the time in the world, I'll get back to those instruments, and maybe learn others, but for now unfortunately playing music takes a far back seat to other hobbies.