About 20 minutes after you graduate, you're going to give zero fucks about high school. Don't drop out. You'll regret that in a couple years. You can't even go flip burgers any more without a diploma or GED. Anyway, you seem to be leaning in that direction, but you need to commit before the school year starts. I can't really help you with doing good in high school. I was one of the kids that was bored to tears because the material is basically all the same every year. My best advice is to take notes and study. I've had to start doing that in college or I find myself falling behind very quickly. Don't worry about if someone starts messing with you for trying hard. You'll see them digging ditches in 15 years, if you ever see them again at all. Like War said, ask for help if you need it. Be friends with the nerdy kids, be kind to your teachers. Show them that you're putting forth your best effort and they will help you. If, for whatever reason, your teacher is a dickbag, head down to the head office and ask for some tutoring. Someone will help you. People are there to help you to succeed, but you have to seek them out. Good luck, man.
Can confirm. Highschool completely stops mattering as soon as you step foot on a college campus EDIT: get your diploma. Also, definitely be friends with the nerdy kids. This helped me immeasurably back in highschool. Just hearing conversations about the material can really help you remember it. I remember that I used to sit near the nerdy kids especially before tests and listen to them as a last minute study tip. They tended to be the best informed about what would be on the test, and if they were going over it last minute it was probably important. But even more than that, your friends and what your friends expect from you impacts your actions. If you befriend the nerdy kids, both you and they will start to expect you to live up to their standards, and it'll make you work harder. Peer pressure is cool like that.