If you aren't immediately looking for a new job, then I'd avoid the Microsoft stack, frankly, especially if you are a mac user. The linux-based development world tends to have a lot more free tools and easy options, and a much lower learning curve for people not already running Windows. One option is to get a copy of Seven languages in seven weeks and work through the languages listed - maybe that will help clarify your mind as to what kind of thing you want to learn in more detail. My personal favourite language is Clojure, but I've been a coder for a long time, so I can't really say how it would be for a learning language for you. But it's a great mix of a solid functional programming language, with a pragmatic approach to getting real-world stuff done, and a big community behind it. </plug>in my area seems like that all companies develop for Microsoft
and elsewhere
I am not looking a new job. I would like to learn software development because it seems to me more complicated and fascinating than building a website.