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Grendel · 3468 days ago · link · · parent · post: Group of black guys attacks white woman and her children, tell her she doesn't belong there because she's white
I had something similar happen to me. I was once attacked by a man who started pushing me around and threatening to kill me right there and then on the sidewalk. Instead of running away or punching him, I kept asking him why he was so angry at me and telling him to stop. I have no idea why I reacted that way. Yeah, I heard about that. What does it say about Russian society though, when you have to take those precautions?This is why I full endorse how the Russians do it: every single one of those fuckers has a dashcam in their vehicle, because if a cop comes knocking if you DO run over an unruly mob that is attempting to do you harm, you have video evidence proving your reason for escalating and exiting the situation.