Do we really need private wealthy investors, though? Wouldn't a publically owned founder's fund work just as well? Besides, without a guy at the top pocketing the profits of the place you work at, actually saving up to your own small business becomes a real option. Thanks for linking that article. I had already read it before. I suppose that there is something to his argument about how transparency has been a big factor in corrupting the political system. Which is a pretty strange and unusual thought, really. But much like you rightly point out that it's difficult getting away from the massive misdistribution of wealth once you've gone down that road as far as we are, I fear that the intransparency train has left the station a long time ago. We already have the revolving door spinning CEOs into politics and politicians into business. These people know each other and they're organized in all their little private clubs. Removing transparency now would, I fear, leave us will all the corruption already in the system but without the last public control mechanisms, limited and disfuncional as they may be.