In physical books; rereading Neuromancer by William Gibson. Its the seminak Cyberpunk novel and I love it. Trying to read deeper into it this time to see what makes it so cyberpunk. Im also reading Yhe Damned Busters by Matthew Huges. Its about a man who accidentally summons a demon, refuses to enter into a contract for his soul, and subsequentially causes a union strike in hell, meaning no bad things happen on earth. Its pretty funny and and interesting read. In audiobooks; I found out Uve been paying for audibke for 9 mo ths even though I cancelled my sub. So I have nine free books to listen to. I got Off to be the Wizard by Scott Meyer. About a guy who discovers how to 'code magic' and traveks back in time to be a wizard. The Martian by Andy Wier, which is basically Macguyver on Mars. And On the Road by Jack Kerouac because its such a part of popculture I figured I should read it and see what all the fuss is about. All three are great so far. Also Im taking any suggestions for the other five audiobooks I should download.