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comment by mk
mk  ·  4436 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Quiet for a bit.
Thanks astol.

Yeah, total sleep dep atm. But loving it. We are slowly getting into the swing of things. We are very lucky because my mother-in-law is staying with us for a while (we get along very well :)), and she has been helping out a lot with the cooking and cleaning.

Do you have a boy or a girl?

astol  ·  4435 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Haha, I had my MIL around for the first two weeks, and get along ok normally, but by the end... Well, I was glad she had to go back to work.

We had a little girl, 7lb12oz, 54cm. gorgeous thing. Just remember to absorb this time as much as possible!

mk  ·  4435 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Ha. My MIL doesn't speak any English, and my Chinese is pretty awful, so I think we have the benefit that most of our conversations are about food and such. :) I get to be the good son-in-law that likes the food, and we can't get into the details of childcare.

She has those debates with my wife (sometimes to her dismay).

Our girl was 7lbs11oz, and 52.1 centimeters. Pretty darn close.

    Just remember to absorb this time as much as possible!

I am!

Congratulations, btw.

astol  ·  4433 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Lucky you haha. Nah, it's nice having help. Hope you get some sleep in!