I recently picked up a few games I'd been wanting to play. The first one I beat was Dust: An Elysian Tail. It's a really good hand-drawn metroidvania type game.
The other games I bought were both of the Trine games and Outland. I guess I was really feeling the atmospheric side scrolling platformer itch. I've played the tutorial of the first Trine and look forward to both titles. As for Outland, I've played maybe 10% of it and it's been fun, but quite challenging. I'd say expect frequent deaths as you get used to new mechanics. Good news is, there are reasonably spaced checkpoints throughout the world.
Aside from those, World of Warcraft is my main squeeze. Patch 6.2 dropped last week, and it added a lot of new content. A daily quest hub, weekly events, new mounts and achievements... My personal favorite addition is mythic 5-man dungeons. I've never been much of a raider, because the headache of organizing 10+ people far outweighs the reward for me. I love smaller group content, however. To me, mythic dungeons feel like 5-man raids in terms of difficulty and reward. They take effort, coordination, and a bit of a time investment, but they're not headache inducing like raids.
Edit: I forgot One Finger Death Punch. It's a strangely fun and addictive game where the only controls are your mouse buttons. You play a Kung Fu wielding stick figure who has to fight his way through waves of enemies. You do this by clicking the correct mouse button in time to hit the next opponent on your left or right. Some enemies take multiple hits, sometimes on alternating sides of your stick figure. Others take you out of the main action and trigger a short sequence of alternating mouse clicks. Weapon pickups and special abilities mix things up even more. All the clicking is backed up by flashy stick figure combat based on real Kung Fu moves.