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comment by spider
spider  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

Hi I'm a lurker from reddit. I live in New York and go to school in one of the specialized high schools there, or more specifically in NYC. I'm part of the numerous Asians in those schools and I love math, video games, and science.

ResidentBrowncoat  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·  

|I'm part of the numerous Asians in those schools

Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.

ResidentBrowncoat  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·  

|I'm part of the numerous Asians in those schools

Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.

ResidentBrowncoat  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·  

|I'm part of the numerous Asians

Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.

ResidentBrowncoat  ·  3212 days ago  ·  link  ·  

|I'm part of the numerous Asians

Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.