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comment by insomniasexx
insomniasexx  ·  3544 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ongoing Trip Report: Curaçao

Day 3 in Curaçao ----------------------------------------------

We woke up late this morning (to some drama-rama regarding a site that apparently was migrated last night and broke shit. Thanks for keeping me informed, cunts. I'm on vacation. Not fixing your immature shitstorm.)

We went to a local lunch at Plaza Bieu and ate some amazing Goat & Chicken stew. The portions were massive and it was delicious. You eat picnic style, side by side with random people, tourists, etc.

We were super full and slowly wandered back to the hotel. It was about 2pm and too hot to stand. We dropped off leftover food (dinner tonight) and took a bit of a rest and took some Tums. >.<

Then we decided to go to the Kura Hulanda Museum which was awesome. We wandered around for hours and they have sooo much stuff. I love history and they had an amazing collection of just about everything.

Little deities from Babylonia eras, sculptures and musical instruments from Africa, and a pretty real exhibition about the slave trade. Plus awesome maps.

FYI, history is full of tits & dicks. Fertility gods & goddesses are epic. For example, in this photo, all the items on the left are items for fertility ceremonies, even that wishbone looking one in the lower left.

They put all the creepiest statues in a little hotter-than-hell hut. Seriously. Super heeby-jeebies, but fascinating nonetheless.

It was particularly nice to be walking around in air conditioned rooms. Appropriately, the only room that wasn't AC'd was the one on the US. Man, we are fucking terrible.

Then it was on to more drinks and food. I love cheese. And the fact that their fancy-pants cocktails are only $6.

Then I got another fucked up email from the same client as in the morning and basically....let lose on him. Which ended with him begging for mercy and apologizing profusely. Honestly, I wish he just had cut me lose. He's not worth the drama anymore. Let me enjoy my vacation, yo.

So we took our slightly intoxicated and cheesed-filled asses to the jewelry shops and spent way too much money on a really fucking beautiful diamond necklace. I love vacation.