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comment by caio
caio  ·  4667 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Unselfish Gene
Have you watched the "Inside Job" documentary? The amount of people in it that repeat the litany "we just couldn't predict what was going to happen" is astounding. It's like con men who got caught, but rehearsed the alibi beforehand.

mk  ·  4667 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Yes, good film. I know what you mean. However, I personally think it has to do with exceptionalism that is often part of that social philosophy that enables you to act like a sociopath, but believe in your heart of hearts that you are doing the right thing.

i.e. All evidence to the contrary is exceptional; all evidence that supports my belief is proof. IMHO, that's why people of this persuasion often reject scientific interpretation of data. Science doesn't respect the nuances necessary for making exceptions. :)