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comment by nuance
nuance  ·  3250 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What keeps you fit, Hubski?

Wow, I totally get where you're coming from. I used to get shy and embarrassed when people would see me exercising, but I managed to get over that when I decided that they probably never exercise, and I'm going to be in far better shape than they are. If they see me exercise, they should be embarrassed, not me. Though it's a really smug way of looking at it, it keeps me going.

When I was a kid I did track until I was 9 or 10 and decided cool people (as per the stereotypical "cool person") don't exercise and move as little as possible. I never had the opportunity of gymnastics, karate, dance, etc. I did enjoy soccer and basketball, though that fell through as well when I wanted to be cool. Gosh I am such a try-hard...

Thanks for the encouragement! As per your 20 minutes of hooping, I assume you mean hoola-hooping, in which case 20 minutes is 20 minutes longer than I could do. Never could get the rhythm down for that. :P

jinxedlinxed  ·  3250 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've always been self conscious, no matter what the situation.. I haven't gotten to the point where anyone could walk in on me and I'd be okay with it, but hopefully soon!

I did track as well, even placed silver and bronze in a few provincials back in my day. It was great, but I fell in with the wrong crowd and did the whole "cool kids scene" as well. Looking back though, I could have gotten scholarships for that shit, man. It kinda irks me, and I'm rather hard on myself about it, but I live with it.

Edit: 20 minutes was a very generous estimate.. I imagine 15 was spent picking it up. :B