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comment by organicAnt
organicAnt  ·  3240 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Earthlings documentary - has anyone dared to watch it?

That's a really interesting study. Thanks for sharing. I'd be interested to know if since being aware of this human psychological trait, you have been able to identify it when it comes up in yourself?

I very rarely have confrontational and heated discussions in the real world. Yet here, particularly on hubski, almost all my words seem to be interpreted with ill meaning or "demonizing". Different people can easily read the same sentence and take a different feeling from it depending on our mood and beliefs. I wonder how much of my perceived meanness is due to the absence of tone of voice, eye contact and body language. Because I definitely do not think people are evil but the stubborn human ego can be.

rob05c  ·  3240 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    you have been able to identify it when it comes up in yourself?

I try; confirmation bias is hard to fight, even when you're aware of it. At least for me.

organicAnt  ·  3240 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks. I appreciate your honesty.