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comment by rjw
rjw  ·  3386 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you think of video games?

I like video games, but I hardly ever play them. I am usually really busy with studying, hanging out with friends, playing/listening to music, idly surfing the web or reading. There are a bunch of other things I'd also like to do (more learning, cycling) and they're definitely a higher priority than playing games.

That said, I have a few favourites: the old pokemon games (when I was little), party/multiplayer games (Guitar Hero, Super Smash Bros), Super Mario Galaxy, Super Meat Boy (I remember the stunned look one of my friends gave me, when he noticed that I only ever play the game using the keyboard and not a game pad).

One thing that has stuck with me is the soundtracks. I've never played Katamari Damacy but I've listened to the OST so so so so many times. Same goes for the various Mario soundtracks, (Mr) Gimmick, Calum Bowen's (aka bo en) soundtracks. Old video games is where chiptune had its genesis and it has influenced so many artists - if you grew up playing Pokémon then you probably had a favourite section where you would stop just to listen to the music. Here are some tunes I particularly like:

(yes, the Plok Beach theme is in 5/4 time)

(drum and bass!!! in a video game soundtrack!!! I love it)

Here's an example of a song inspired by video game music: